This post is going to be a bit different than anything I have written before, but it was a very powerful "aha!" moment for me - and I hope it does the same for you! Your mind and TpT!
Below I am going to pose some questions for you. Please answer each one - either in your head, out loud, or even on paper - before moving on through the post. Pretty simple, yet super powerful! =)
How much money do I currently make in a year on TpT?
Now that you have that answer, let's keep going. Your second question is below.
Why not double that amount in the next year?
What thought did you have? The first thought - the one that came to you automatically.
Is this thought true? Totally true?
My initial thought was, "I don't have enough time. The kids are still home quite a bit, and I don't get enough time to put in the hours I need."
As soon as I had that thought, I literally said "whoa" out loud.
That is NOT true!
Yes, my kids are still home a bit. We have a 4-day school week here, so they are both home every Friday. And my youngest only goes to preschool two mornings a week.
But my kids are NOT the reason I couldn't double my TpT business in a year if I really put my mind to it.
If I am being really honest with myself, I waste too much time on social media. I don't always follow my plan like I say I will. I've taken more "me time" in the last few months than I normally have in the past. I could certainly hire out more help. I could run more ads. There are so many ways I could double my business in a year - yet that initial thought may very well be holding me back.
What was your initial thought? Did you have an "aha!" moment like I did?
Because if we are truly honest with ourselves, plenty of other TpTers can double their money in a year - even when they still work full-time in the classroom. Even when they have multiple kids at home. Even while pregnant. Even while dealing with tragedy, natural disasters, or other massive life changes.
This does NOT mean you need to double your money in a year. But if that was a goal you truly wanted to attain, your thoughts could be holding you back.
So what TpT goal do YOU really want?
What thought comes to mind for you when you reach that goal?
THAT thought could be holding you back.
(Or maybe your thought is amazing and you'll reach the goal in half the time!)
(Or maybe your thought is amazing and you'll reach the goal in half the time!)
Our thoughts are truly powerful. And once we recognize them, we can do the work to change them. The work is not always easy, but recognizing our thoughts is the first step. =)
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